Sharing your ideas for collaboration is one of the cornerstones of the THINKERS App.
Make your note shareable
Make your note shareable by making it public.
Sliding the toggle button in Public Note will generate a unique URL for the note that can be viewed on the web.
If you wish to make a note private and not available on the web, slide the green toggle button to the left.
Share your note
Tap the share button
You will be prompted to share your note through text, email, social media, and other channels available to you.
THINKERS Notes, pictures, documents, and whiteboards can be tapped on for comment.
Audio/Video and text notes can use the commenting system as well.
Message Center
Any comment will be added to the note and available in the Message Center.
New messages will be noted on the message center icon in the bottom right of the main notes page.